
S&C Advanced Reporting Setup

S&C Advanced Reporting provides views of Sales and Catering (S&C) data that can be used for analysis, planning, and forecasting in the OPERA Business Intelligence (OBI) user-interface. The S&C data is accessed directly from OPERA tables by using real-time online transactional processing (OLTP) and does not require data cubes as in typical OBI online analytical processing (OLAP). OLTP may require longer processing time.

S&C Advanced Reporting can be accessed when the Sales and Catering (OPS_<version number> or OPC_<version number>) license is active with the optional Sales Force Automation (OPF_<version number>) license, with these two possible configurations:

  1. OBIEE (OPB_<version number> Opera Business Intelligence multiple property license is active (no additional add-on license is necessary), or
  2. Without OBIEE, but with the Sales and Catering Advanced Reporting add-on license OPS_SAREP S&C <version number> and ORO_<version number> Oracle BI SE-one User Interface license for S&C Advanced Reporting views.

Setup for S&C Advanced Reporting with OBIEE License

In this configuration, users have access to both BI Cube Subject Areas and S&C Advanced Reporting Subject Areas.

Application Settings

Additional Application Settings are available in OBIEE pertaining only to S&C Advanced Reporting:

Setup for S&C Advanced Reporting with OPS_SAREP S&C Add-on License (without OBIEE License)

In this configuration, S&C Advanced Reporting users do not have access to BI Cube subject areas, only to S&C Advanced Reporting subject areas.

Application Settings

When the add-on license OPS_SAREP S&C <version number> for S&C Advanced Reporting is active, certain OBI Group Application Settings are available for configuration in Sales and Catering.

Setup for Synchronizing New Profile and Relationship Tables


Summary tables have been developed for yearly, monthly, and daily calculations that improve processing time when creating reports in S&C Advanced Reporting and OPERA. The tables are populated based on reservation_stat_daily and include:

With an upgrade from an earlier version to OPERA v5.0.04.00, these tables need to be initially populated in each property using the Synchronize Summary Profile Statistics Utility (Utilities>Synchronize Summary Profile Statistics Utility permission required. In property, the tables will be updated from reservation_stat_daily during the Night Audit. In SFA, it is necessary to configure the transfer of reservation_stat_daily from the interfaced properties and the child tables will populate only when the application parameter General>Populate Reservation Statistics Tables is set to Y.


Another new table, profile_relationship_hier, maintains the accounts' hierarchy up to 10 levels. This table must also be populated after upgrading to OPERA v5.0.04.00 with the Synchronize Relationship Hierarchy Utility (Utilities>Synchronize Relationship Hierarchy permission required). In property, the tables will be updated from reservation_stat_daily during the Night Audit. In SFA, it is necessary to configure the transfer of reservation_stat_daily from the interfaced properties and the child tables will populate only when the application parameter General>Populate Reservation Statistics Tables is set to Y.

Transferring Datamart reservation_stat_daily from Property to SFA

If the account statistic report will be run from SFA for an interfaced property, the reservation_stat_daily table must be transferred via OXI and the application parameter General>Populate Reservation Statistics Tables must be set to Y. See Configuring the Transfer of Data Mart reservation_stat_daily from Property to SFA.

See Also