
Understanding the Channel Distribution Screen

The Channel Distribution screen opens when the Chnl. Dist. (Channel Distribution) button is selected from the Rate Header or Rates screen. Use the Channel Distribution screen to publish a rate that is highlighted on the Rate Header screen to all channels that have been configured in the rate code template.


To have access to the Channel Distribution screen, the following requirements must be met:


Select this option button to distribute the ORS rate code to the Channels associated on the rate code template.

Channel. Select the channels to distribute the rate to. When selecting the Standard option button, the list of channels displayed is for those channels for which a channel rate has been defined for the ORS rate code. When selecting the Advanced option button, the list of channels is a single selection for any channel configured in OPERA.

Distribute channel rate management. Select this check box to distribute the channel converted rate code.


Select this option button to select a mapping of the ORS rate code to a different Channel rate than associated on the rate code template. The Channel Rate Codes field appears.

Channel. Select the down arrow and choose a channel for your rate distribution from the list of values.

Channel Rate Codes. Select the down arrow and choose rate codes from the list of values. These are the additional rate codes you want to distribute to the channel.

Distribute channel rate management. Select this check box to distribute the channel converted rate code. When the Distribute channel rate management check box is selected, the following additional check boxes become available:

Distribute channel rate rooms. Select this check box to distribute the channel converted room types.

Restriction Update. Select this checkbox if restrictions will be sent to an ADS, GDS, or ODS partner, such as Expedia, via the AVH messaging functionality. If the Restriction Update checkbox was selected on the rate header, this will default to the Channel Distribution screen.

Rate Update. Select this check box if this rate should be sent to an ADS, GDS, or ODS partner, such as Expedia. If the Rate Update checkbox was selected on the rate header, this will default to the Channel Distribution screen.

Regional Availability. Select this checkbox if this rate will participate in Regional Availability processing. If the Regional Availability checkbox was selected on the rate header, this will default to the Channel Distribution screen.

Rate Order. Enter the order the rate code will display in a list of seamless availability returns. Enter 1 to have this rate code returned first.  You can use the same number multiple times to indicate that a group of rates should be returned within the same sequence. The rate will be auto arranged based on the number that is entered here. When an existing rate’s order is changed to the next higher or lower value, the rate order that directly precedes or follows will automatically adjust. For example, if the order is arranged as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 5 is changed to 6, the new order will be 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 with position 5 open for assigning to a rate.

See Also