
Business Block Report Group

Actual Business Block Rooms Report - This report will compare booked group  rooms, revenue and average rate and  picked-up group rooms revenue and average rate and print the variance between those values.

Backlog Report - This report will trace the 'production' of group bookings for a property or multiple properties over a certain time period that can be specified when ordering the report. 'Production' means the creation of bookings of a specified 'credit status' in the production period, as well as changes to booking status codes in or out of the credit status.

Banquet Check Folio by Revenue Type/Group - The Banquet Check Folio by Revenue Type/Group report displays a breakdown of each posting that has been made for an event by the Revenue Type/Group.

Banquet Check Folio by Event - The Banquet Check Folio by Event report displays a breakdown of each posting that has been made for an event.

Banquet Event Order - 1 Column - This is a comprehensive document that contains all vital information about the catering portion of a business block broken down into events and resources. It is an ideal tool to use for communication with customers as well as with various hotel internal departments in order to ensure that all customer requirements regarding their events are met and prepared as per agreement and contract.

Banquet Event Order - 2 Column - This is a comprehensive document that contains all vital information about the catering portion of a business block broken down into events and resources. It is an ideal tool to use for communication with customers as well as with various hotel internal departments in order to ensure that all customer requirements regarding their events are met and prepared as per agreement and contract.

Banquet Event Order - 2 Column F&B - This is a comprehensive document that contains all vital information about the catering portion of a business block broken down into events and resources. It is an ideal tool to use for communication with customers as well as with various hotel internal departments in order to ensure that all customer requirements regarding their events are met and prepared as per agreement and contract.

Block Status Change Snapshot - With the Block Status Change Snapshot, Room Night and Revenue figures are captured at the point of each status change and updated the BOOKING STATUS CHANGES table. These figures can be viewed on the Production Changes - Status screen, printed as a report (in delimited format) or it can be exported using the Booking Status Snapshot Export.

Booking Agency Commission - The report will show actual business blocks that have an agent profile or an agent and source profile attached, and calculate commission amounts based on percentages that have been entered for rooms and catering revenues for agent  / source.

Booking Info Export - The Booking Info Export report only displays when the OPS <version number> Sales & Catering license code is active. This is an export procedure that allows the export of booking information from OPERA into an HTM document using up to seven different export formats from different data sources.

Booking Pace Report - This report displays the booking production for a certain time period compared to budgeted room nights and revenue for the same stay date period and another comparison to the production for the same stay date range last year. The produced room nights, revenue and average rate are grouped by stay date periods (either calendar month or fiscal period, depending on the hotels configuration).

Booking Position Report - A PMS forecast report that shows PMS availability with and without taking the booking positions into consideration.

Business Block Change Log - This report is a listing of the production changes made to a Business Block within a specified production period. Changes include status changes, increase or decrease of the room block or increase or decrease of the revenue (rate changes).

Business Block Conversion Report - The Booking Conversion Report will calculate the booking conversion to an ACTUAL status for any date range in absolute figures as well as conversion percentages.

Business Block Lead Time - The Business Block Lead Time report is used to display multiple statuses (by date) and revenue types for one or more Business Block bookings. The purpose of this report is to show the total lead time elapsed between the date the booking is created and the day the booking arrives at the hotel.

Business Block Listing - This is a line report that displays most of the main business block details for a list of bookings.

Business Block Production Report - This production report calculates the room nights, revenue and average rate of all bookings that have been created on a specified status, which had their status changed to a specified status or which were on the specified status before the production period, but had changes done to their number of room nights or revenue in the production period. The figures are calculated and displayed on a booking-by-booking basis, which makes this report unique in the list of OPERA S&C Production reports (all other production reports show totals for the production period, not a breakdown per booking).

Business Block Short List - This is another line report that displays most of the main business block details for a list of bookings. It has multiple filter combinations and sort options and is useful to follow up on group booking decision dates, cutoff date or to provide a list of booking due to arrive in the coming week(s) or month(s).

Cancellation Summary Report  - The main purpose of this report is to show all groups canceled or lost for a specific cancellation date range or a specific stay date.

Contract Merge - The Sales & Catering contract is a sophisticated tool to communicate group booking and catering details to customers. Even though it is mainly used to produce group contracts, there is a much wider scope of possibilities related to it.

Daily Analysis Report - Pace - This is a production report that allows the grouping of produced room nights and revenue by stay date group. The grouping would typically be done by week, but allows for any date entry.

Daily Analysis Report - On-the-Books - This report that allows the grouping of room nights and revenue on the books by stay date group. The grouping would typically be done by week, but allows for any date entry.

Daily Forecast Report - The Daily Forecast report prints room nights, room revenue and catering revenue on a daily basis per booking with catering revenue split out into up to 5 catering revenue type groups. Each day will have a status summary line per status and one total daily summary across all statuses. This report incorporates the new option to print catering revenues as net or gross, depending on the application parameter Catering>Catering Revenue Price Type and the setting of the VAT (tax) percentages on the catering revenue types.

Deposit Report - This report gives an overview over booking deposits that have been requested and will list requested deposit versus paid or partially paid deposits separately for each booking.

Deposit Posting Report - This report gives an overview over booking deposits that have been requested and will list requested deposit versus paid or partially paid deposits separately for each booking.

Forecast/Availability Book - This form actually can print the rooms forecast report as well as the rooms availability report. These two reports form a unit that combined paints an accurate pictures of the on-the-books group business for the coming month(s) compared to targets and budgets. The rooms forecast sheet will show a daily breakdown of number of rooms booked versus number or rooms picked-up for each group horizontally across the page, so that a whole month worth of business can be viewed at once.

Group Room Pace (BI) - The Group Room Pace Report is sorted by Property Year and grouped by Total, Catering Only Y (Banquets) and Catering Only N (Catering).

Group Rooms Control Sheet - This report is a major inter-department communication tool. It recaps all information about a group block including linked account, contact and agent information, room grid with rates and revenue, comp room information if used, all major dates and codes from the booking header screen, event information, deposit information and Contract Billing instructions (if used).

ISO Production Report - It is a hybrid report of production and on-the books data, meaning that the records are selected through a production date range process, but the number of room nights, average rate and revenue are on-the-books and not as produced in the production date range. It additionally gives the option to be filtered and grouped by multiple regions of booking origin.

Month End Details (BI) - The Month End Details reports business block production changes during the dates requested. The report can be grouped by Arrival Month or Owner and has many filtering options including business blocks with the Catering Only check box = Y or the Catering Only check box = N.

Monthly Group Production Report - This production report calculates the room nights, revenue and average rate of all bookings through three status codes. The first status is a selectable credit status that can directly turn to actual. The other two statuses are the actual status itself and the cancellation status that follows the selected credit status.

Post Conference Report - This report is an ideal recap after any group or catering booking as it compares room nights and revenue as well as catering revenue as it was originally booked versus the actual materialization of the booking. For room nights and room revenue multiple figures can be printed, utilizing the block grid snapshot functionality.

Pro Forma Invoice - This report details all catering packages, events and resources that have been booked per business block in a 'bill' format.

Pro Forma Canadian Invoice - Similar to the Pro Forma Invoice, this report details all catering packages, events and resources that have been booked per business block in a 'bill' format. However, this report has the option of calculating Canadian taxes and service charges that might apply to any or all of the booked items by revenue type.

Pro Forma Generates - Similar to the Pro Forma Invoice; all taxes and service charges shown on the report are calculated based on the transaction codes (and their generates) configured in the Revenue Type Cross Reference screen.

Production Changes for Rooms and Catering Report - The 'Production Changes for Rooms and Catering' combines Rooms and Catering Production. It calculates the room nights, average rate, room revenue and catering revenue of all bookings that have been created on specified statuses, which had their status changed to a specified status or which were on the specified status before the production period, but had changes done to their number of room nights or revenue in the production period. The figures are calculated and displayed on a booking-by-booking basis and for catering on a status-by-status basis within each booking.

Room and Catering Revenue Pace (BI) - The Room and Catering Revenue Pace (BI) report displays room and event revenue for the requested Production Period as well as On the Books forecast revenue for the same Stay Period with a comparison to OBI Budgeted Revenue, Same Time Last Year, and Actual Last Year figures.

Rooms Progress Report - This is another room production report which is based on the change log tables. It’s been developed on special request, but is very useful to any hotel that needs to report on their sales managers productions. The lay-out of the report is similar to the Booking Pace report, but the main difference and advantage of this report is, that it will not only report a booking at the last status that it was within the production period. Instead, the booking rooms and revenue will be reported at each status that the booking went through during the production period.

S&C Quote Report - The S&C Quote Report displays day-by-day details for both catering and accommodations for a block. Using a BI Publisher template, properties can produce a customized quote from a wide range of OPERA data sources that include unit prices and revenue for both net and gross amounts.

Sales Manager Month End Progress (BI) - The Sales Manager Month End Progress report is an easy to read month-end report showing sales managers' performance vs. their goals compared to On the Books figures. This report has three outputs: one organized by Manager and Year; one organized by Manager and Month using Production Goals; and the third is organized by Manager and Month using Arrival Goals.

Sales Manager Summary Report - This report prints a summary of sales manager production statistics including room nights, revenue, and average rate, broken out by booking statuses.

Sales Managers Goals Report - This report will compare the production of room nights, revenue and average rate of each sales manager in a defined production period against the defined production goals. Production goals can be entered through the ‘Goals’ option on the employee configuration screen.

Sample Contract Report - This comprehensive report combines room and catering elements and details into one customer facing document.

Sample Express BEO - This report is a scaled down version of the regular BEO. Because the Express module does not utilize resources (menus, audio visual equipment etc), those items are suppressed in the express BEO as well. Instead, the Express BEO uses notes to explain details on the requirements.

Snapshot Status Report - The Snapshot Status report will report room nights, room revenue and catering revenue as a snapshot of what they were on the booking creation date and on the date of each status change.
