

This report will trace the 'production' of group bookings for a property or multiple properties over a certain time period that can be specified when ordering the report. 'Production' means the creation of bookings of a specified 'credit status' in the production period, as well as changes to booking status codes in or out of the credit status. It also will track changes to number of room-nights or value for bookings that already were on the credit status prior to the production period and changes in booking stay dates. The report lists bookings with stay dates of a selected calendar year, separated into months, or fiscal periods, if the property works on a fiscal calendar. Additionally, the above information will also be presented broken down in configured market main groups. A comparison is done to last year's figures as well as a summary of production for the year following the selected year.

Note: This report requires that the user be granted the BLOCK PRINT permission in the selected property to run the report. Also, the Property LOV in this report is further limited by the properties to which the user has the appropriate access granted.

Selection Criteria

Property. Available when the OPS_MHT2 license is active; choose the property for which the report should be printed.

Production Period (Begin/End Date). Defines the date range for which booking changes should be recorded. Each change that is done to a booking status, or booking room nights and revenue, is recorded in a specific production change log. The Production Date Range filter will scan the entries in this production change log to search for any booking changes that fall under the other criteria that have been selected on the filter form. By the nature of this date range filter, only dates in the past are valid entries, because there cannot be any entries in the booking change log after the current business date. To illustrate the above: A booking that gets created on status TEN in April 2003 with Stay Dates in October 2003 can turn to status DEF in June 2003. In the above scenario there would be two entries in the change log for this booking, one for the creation of the booking on status TEN in production period April 2003 and one for the status change to DEF in June 2003.

Stay Dates Period. Allows the selection of one or several whole years of stay dates for which the report will print.

Note: It is highly recommended NOT to order the report for multiple years in one procedure as this would need to process a lot of data and can take a long time and might even slow the rest of the system down while all these calculations are done.

Stay dates are classified as booking days that fall in between the arrival and the departure date of a booking. If, for example a booking arrived at the 28.December 2004 and departed on the 04.January 2005, the report would only calculate the produced room nights and revenues for this booking for the 28, 29, 30 and 31. December 2004 if the selected Stay Date Year was 2004.

Revenue. Allows the user to select if the revenue and average rates should be printed net or gross onto the report. Net will ONLY print the room rate, whereas Gross will also include taxes and non-room rate packages that might apply to the booking rate.

Decimals in Revenue? If checked, the revenue figures will show two decimals, whereas if it is unchecked only integers will print.

Decimals in ADR? If checked, the average rates will show two decimals, whereas if it is unchecked only integers will print.

Main Market. Allows the selection of the main market groups that should print on the report.

Note: The first section of the report will always print ALL booking movements that happened for the credit status in the production period, irrespectively of the market main groups chosen in this filter. However, if not all market main groups are included in the filter, the market main group break- down part of the report will only print for the selected market main groups. This means that there could be a difference between the total of the first part of the report and the market main group breakdown (which would always be the same if all market main groups were selected) .

Exclude Comp Rooms. If this flag is checked, the ACTUAL / PICK-UP figures for each month ONLY will exclude any picked-up reservations that have a rate code attached that is marked as COMP rate code. Note: This will NOT exclude comp rooms that have been entered on the block header level for a booking from the production figures.

Credit Status. Will only allow selection of a deduct-inventory rooms status. This is the status that sales managers would be credited for or for which booking figures would be considered confirmed. In most set-ups this is represented by the DEFINITE booking status.

Prior Status1. Represent any booking status directly prior to the credit status in the configured status flow of a hotel. This would in most set-ups be the TENTATIVE status.

Prior Status2. Represents any booking status directly prior to the Prior Status1 in the configured status flow of a hotel. This would typically be an INQUIRY or a PENDING booking status.

Cancel Status. This must be the status code that is used to cancel any booking that was on the credit status prior to cancellation. For the integrity of this report (and all production reports) it is imperative that this CANCEL status is used uniquely for cancellations of bookings on the credit status. Meaning, in the status code configuration this CANCEL status should only ever be a follow on status of the credit status, never also a follow on status of a TENTATIVE , INQUIRY or PENDING status. These statuses should ideally all have each their own CANCEL status configured (e.g., status LOS could be the cancel status for TEN, status RFD could be the cancel status for status INQ, etc)

Lost/Turn Down Status. Any other cancel status that figures should be reported for on the Backlog report.

Report Data

The first part of the report will show the following figures in separate rows, one cell per calendar month:

The second part of the report will show:

The market main group section breaks down the booking figures on credit status AT THE END of the production period, including average rates and revenues. The total of the first report section (movement) and the second section (market segment breakdown) will be the same, provided that all market main groups have been selected.

Note: This report ONLY refers to group booking room-night, even in the market main group breakdown section. Non-group reservations are not included or considered.

The last section of the report contains miscellaneous information like comparison of budgeted room-nights and revenue to produced room-nights and revenue and booking information for bookings on statuses other than the selected credit status.

Note: The report column that deals with last year's figures will consider the same production period also one year back; i.e., if the report is ordered for production period January 2004 and stay year 2004 , the last years produced figures in the column for year 2003 are based on the production period January 2003.