
Configuration Tab Seasons

The Seasons Configuration Tab is used to specify specific occupancy seasons for a property. A season of "Normal" is automatically created and assigned for the past 365 days and 10000 days into the future, with no color code defined. Seasons truly reflect the business demand patterns for the property, but do not necessarily reflect the pricing. Seasons are good to indicate when peak, medium, and low periods of demand are throughout the year.

Note: Seasons should always be a minimum of 3 continuous weeks. Any time that is shorter than that would be considered an event and should be set up that way, rather than a season.

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Season Configuration

Season Code. Type % and a partial or the whole season code or description to search.

Search Results Grid

Select. Select the option button to specify the season that will be edited, deleted, or applied to the selected dates in the calendar.

Season Code. Season code assigned to the season.

Description. Description of the season code that better explains the season.

Color. Color that has been assigned to the season. In the calendar, this color is displayed if the season has been assigned to a specific or range of dates.


The calendar allows you to apply seasons to a single date or range of dates. Highlight the dates you want to add a season to and select the Apply Cal Season button.


Apply Cal Season. Applies the selected season to the date or range of dates that are selected in the calendar.

Adding or Editing Seasons

The following screen is displayed when adding or editing a season.

Note: When seasons get added or changed after Modelization, these changes are updated during the ORMS Optimizer Night Audit procedure (backend process that automatically runs nightly). These season updates will be available in History data and Forecast calculations.

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New Season/Edit Season

Season Code. Type the season code to be used in the required field.

Description. Type a description for the season code in the required field.

Color. Select the orms configuration color selection to choose the color to associate with the season. The code in the field represents the color selected in HTML format.

See Also