
How OPERA is Affected by ORMS

OPERA Interface Changes

When ORMS is active, OPERA supports ORMS functionality with several visible changes in the OPERA interface. And, ORMS has access to different OPERA functionality.

Business Block Header

There are two check boxes that appear on the Business Block Header in OPERA (Reservations>Blocks>Business Block) when ORMS is active for the selected property.

For more information, refer to the help topic: Business Block Header.

Yield Market Codes

Yield market types can be used to implement a system of multiple hurdles. When ORMS is active in OPERA, the Rates>Yield Market Type application parameter is available for selection for the property. See: Yield Market Types Parameter.

When this parameter is selected, the Yield Markets menu option is available in Configuration>Rate Management>Yield>Yield Markets. Here you can define Yield Market Type Codes. For more information, refer to the online help topic: Yield Market Types.

Once the Yield Market Codes have been created, they can be assigned to rate codes on the Rate Header (Configuration>Rate Management>Rate Classifications>Rate Codes). A new Yield Market LOV displays on the Rate Header. For more information, refer to the online help topic: Rate Header Tab.

Profile Yield Adjustment

The Profile Options menu (Profiles>Options) contains the Yield option when ORMS is active in OPERA. For more information, refer to the online help topic: Profile Yield Adjustment.

Prevailing Rates

The Prevailing Rates functionality in OPERA is available to ORMS. Previously, Prevailing Rates was only available to the legacy OPERA Revenue Management System, TLP, when the OPP_OPUS add-on license was active. ORMS must be configured with a minimum of Max LOS 2.

Changes made in ORMS to support the Prevailing Rates functionality are the following:

In OPERA, these are available to ORMS:

Daily Rates

ORMS enhances OPERA Daily Rates functionality by dynamically calculating the rates based on configured hurdles. This functionality is available in OPERA when the ORMS license code is active and the Application Function>Rates>Daily Rates is set to Y.

In OPERA, these are available to ORMS:

Changes made in ORMS to support the Daily Rates functionality are the following:

See Also