
Country Statistics for Sweden Export Data Definition (SWEDEN_COUNTRY_STATS)

The Swedish Tourist Authority requires a monthly export of market statistics in a structured ASCII text format that can be imported directly into the Accommodation Statistics database. One record is posted for each day of the month. If posts are missing for a specific day in the file, it is assumed that the establishment was closed for that day.

Note: Because there is no header for the file, an empty file cannot be generated. Therefore, no file is generated if there is no data for the month.

Export Definition

A field is present in the Export Definition section of this export to enter the ID number from SCB. This value is used in the File Name Formula when generating the file and naming it.

File Name Formula


The file is named with the SCB property ID number, followed by an underscore and the hotel's name, followed by an underscore and the export start date (in YYYYMMDD format), followed by an underscore and the export end date. For example, 999_HiltonStockholm_20031101_20031130

File Extension Formula





This export uses the EXP_SWEDISH_STATISTICS view.

Export File Details

Each post contains the following data in the order shown.

Column Name



Year Month Day (e.g., 20030902); uses the date setup for the property.

Country of Residence

Country of residence. Country codes are ISO standard (3166-1: 1997) codes. A country is included in the export only if guests from that country are arriving or staying on the given date.


Total new persons arrivals, recorded only on arrival day, by date and country.

Occupied Rooms

Total occupied rooms (all rooms, including House Use rooms and Comp rooms) calculated per day only. The same value appears in each line for a particular day (the same for every country).

Occupied Beds

Total guests (adults + children) including those occupying Day Use and Comp rooms (excluding House Use), by date and country. This number is not taken from the number of beds specified in room configuration.

Accommodation Income

Total lodging revenue (based on the Lodging transaction code) by date and country. Rounded to the nearest integer. No decimals.

Business Segment

Total occupied rooms (including House Use and Comp rooms) where the market segment is defined as Business Segment by country by date.

Conference Segment

Total occupied rooms (including House Use and Comp rooms) where the market segment is defined as Conference Segment by date and country.

Group Segment

Total occupied rooms (including House Use and Comp rooms) where the market segment is defined as Group Segment by date and country.

Leisure Segment

Total occupied rooms (including House Use and Comp rooms) where the market segment is defined as Leisure Segment by date and country.

Total Room Capacity

Total physical rooms configured in the establishment by date.

Total Bed Capacity

Total physical beds (sum of all beds defined for all rooms) configured for the establishment by date. This statistic uses the Number of Beds values taken from Room configuration.

Available Room Capacity

Total physical rooms (calculated for Total Bed Capacity) excluding Out of Order rooms and House Use rooms by date. Includes Comp rooms and Out of Service rooms.

Available Bed Capacity

Total physical beds (calculated for Total Bed Capacity) excluding beds for Out of Order rooms and House Use rooms. This statistic uses the Number of Beds values taken from Room configuration. This value can be less than the Occupied Beds value.

Parameter Form

Year. Select the down arrow to choose the year for the export.

Month. Select the down arrow to choose the month for the export. The file can be exported only for an entire month. For example, if you export the file for January, records for January 1 through January 31 will be generated, provided the current business date is later than January 31.

If a day is closed the export includes a row with only the date and the Total/Total Available Rooms and Beds data, as per row 2 in the below example:




If an entire month is closed the export includes 1 row per day with only the date and the Total/Total Available Rooms and Beds data repeated for each date:




If the hotel is unoccupied (columns ARR_ROOMS = 0 and STAY_ROOMS = 0) but there is revenue posted on a particular day (column ROOM_REVENUE <>0), then information for this day occurs in one line only and the column COUNTRY_CODE is empty.




Market Code Grouping

To track statistics by Business/Leisure/Conference/Group segments, when in SWEDEN country mode, Market Code Setup provides mandatory Print Group options that can be associated with the Market Code/Main Group combination:
