
Spanish Country Statistics (INE) Export Data Definition

The Spanish Country Statistics (INE) export provides details about statistics for specific source codes as well as revenue information. The export is available when the Exports > Country Exports application parameter is set to Y, the add-on license OPP_EXP is active, and the Country Mode is ES. The export can be run automatically by the End of Day procedures. The export can be run manually for any date up to and including the current business date by selecting the Miscellaneous > File Export > Country menu option or the Configuration > External > Country Export menu option.


File Type



Spanish Country Statistics (INE)

Export Type


Export View


Night Audit Export


XML Export


Pre Export Procedure

The pre-export procedure (exp_country_es.exp_create_ine) populates a temp table with the export data and retrieves the next sequence number for file naming.

Post Export Procedure

The post-export procedure (exp_country_es.post_export) cleans up the data added to the temp table by the pre-export procedure.

Parameter Form


Export File Details

The export consists of the following sections/elements under the root element <ENCUESTA>.



This is information about the hotel with the data mostly coming from the RESORT table except for the following:


This is a country statistic and the main source for this section is RESERVATION_STAT_DAILY.

For each country used within the month, there is one <RESIDENCIA> element.

Within <RESIDENCIA>, there is one of either <ID_PAIS> (if the country is not Spain=ES) or <ID_PROVINCIA_ISLA> (which is the province or island if the country is Spain).

Also within <RESIDENZIA>, there is one <MOVIMIENTO> element for each day that country/province was used in the month.

There are two Export Definitions defining the default values for country and province/island for a reservation.


This is a room occupancy statistic and the main source for this section is REP_MANAGER.

There is one <HABITACIONES_MOVIMIENTO> element for each day of the month, even if there were no reservations on that day.


This is a revenue statistic broken into segments and the main source for this section is SOURCE_STAT_DAILY.

The segments represent the source of the reservation or revenue.

There are several Export Definitions, one for each segment, except for segment OTROS (= others).

To ensure that all the <PCT_...> elements add up to 100%, any rounding differences are added to the element <PCTN_HABITACIONES_OCUPADAS_OTROS>.

The <PRECIOS> element is not mandatory (that is, it is not present if there are no records in SOURCE_STAT_DAILY for the month).


This counts the number of employees. All three sub-elements are defined by Export Definitions:

The <PERSONAL_OCUPADO> element is not mandatory (that is, it is not present unless at least one of the relevant Export Definitions is defined).

Naming Convention of the Result File

