
Searching for a Catering Template

To access the Select Event Template screen, select the Templates button from the Events Search screen (Business Management>Events>Templates).

Catering Templates allow for the insertion of multiple events with one click. However, these events and their resources are still priced separately, unlike in a package, where a total price per person for the whole arrangement is charged.

Search Criteria

Property. If the multi-property version is installed, select the property.

Template Code. Use the pick box to select from a list of all configured Template Codes.

Duration. Number of days for which the template should be applicable. The Business Block duration will be filled into the field by default.

Template Name. Enter a full or partial template description to search for.

Template Display Grid

Template Code. Configured template code.

Template Name. Full name of the template.

Days. Number of days this template is configured for.


View Tmpl.  Allows view only access to the template configuration. All template elements can be seen from here. See Catering Package and Template Setup for more details.

See Also