
Address Format Configuration

Sales and Catering uses the existing PMS Address Format functionality with certain enhancements. By using the S&C Address Formats feature, you do not need to revise your report in order to use a different address format, for example, for different countries. The Address Format Setup screen allows you to configure this feature (Setup > System Configuration > Profile > Address Formats).

The Address Formats Setup screen consists of three tabs: Address Format Types, Address Format Elements, and Address Format Codes.

Address Format Types

This tab is used to set up new Address Format Types and change existing Address Format Types. For Sales and Catering we use one Standard Address Format Type called SC_DEFAULT. There is no need to add another format type for S&C.

Address Format Elements

Use this tab to browse through the elements of existing Address Format Types and add or delete address elements. For Sales and Catering there is no need to change anything in the Address Format elements. All elements for SC_DEFAULT are protected against deletion.

Address Format Codes

If your hotel is in contact with international clients, you will need additional address formats for different countries. Use this tab if you want to create customized address formats for various countries.

On the left side of the screen you will see the Format Codes and Format Types.

The Sales and Catering standard Format Code is SALES_ADDR_DEFAULT.

By clicking on the Format Code SALES_ADDR_DEFAULT you will see the address pattern on the right side of the screen. This is your hotel's default address pattern. To change the default pattern simply copy and paste the different pattern codes to the row you want to print the information.

To add codes to the default pattern, click the arrow on the right next to the Definition field. This will open an Address Element Selection box where you can mark the elements to insert into the default pattern.

Click on the SALES_ADDR_DEFAULT Format Code and click the Copy button. This will open a pick box with all the ISO standard country codes. Select the country for which you want to create the address format and click OK.

You will see that a new Format Code appears in the grid with the selected country code. For example, if you have selected AT for Austria, your new Format Code will be SALES_ADDR_AT. You can create one address format for each country.

After you have created this new country specific Format Code you can modify the address pattern by cutting and pasting code elements as described above.

Important! If you are working with country specific address formats, the report will look for the Account's country and will then try to find a country specific address format for this country. If no specific address  format is found for the country, the report will use the default address format.

Valid Address Elements

Acc.Name1 - Account/Agent Name1

Acc.Name2 - Account/Agent Name2

Acc.Name3 - Account/Agent Name3

Acc.Addr1 - Account/Agent Address1

Acc.Addr2 - Account/Agent Address2

Acc.Addr3 - Account/Agent Address1

Acc.Fax - Account/Agent Fax Number

Acc.Phone - Account/Agent Phone Number

Acc.Country - Account/Agent Country

Acc.Zip - Account/Agent Zip code

Acc.Ext - Account/Agent Extension Number

Acc.State - Account/Agent State

Acc.Province - Account/Agent Province

Acc.City - Account/Agent City

Con.First - Contact First Name

Con.Last - Contact Last Name

Con.Title - Contact Envelope Greeting

Con.Addr1 - Contact Address1

Con.Addr2 - Contact Address2

Con.Addr3 - Contact Address3

Con.Fax - Contact Fax Number

Con.Phone - Contact Phone Number

Con.Country - Contact Country

Con.Zip - Contact Zip code

Con.Ext - Contact Extension Number

Con.State - Contact State

Con.Province - Contact Province

Con.City - Contact City

Example Address Pattern:

^Con.Title ^Con.First ^Con.Last
^Acc.City, ^Acc.State ^Acc.Zip


ABC-Systems Inc.
Mr. Mario Wolf
2640 Golden Gate Parkway
Suite 211
Naples, FL 34105

Note: If the address of a specific contact does not include a specific format element (such as Acc.Name2 and AccName3 in the above example), the final address continues with the next available element, without leaving blank lines.

Additional Features

In a Sales and Catering address pattern we have also added  field labels and parameters for hiding or displaying field labels.

A field label is a string enclosed in single quotes. The string cannot contain a single quote or ^ character. For example,  ‘This is a label’

Address Format Example Using Labels:

^Acc.Name1:'Account Name: '
^Con.Title ^Con.First ^Con.Last
^Acc.City, ^Acc.State ^Acc.Zip


Account Name: ABC-Systems Inc.
Mr. Mario Wolf
2640 Golden Gate Parkway
Suite 211
Naples, FL 34105

Note: The spaces following "Account Name: ' and ^Con.Title and ^Con.First. Blank spaces and punctuation (such as the comma following ^Acc.City) must be explicitly included in the pattern.

Label Attributes

D - Display label when field is empty

H - Hide label when field is empty

L - Label on the left side of field

R - Label on the right side of field

T - Print label above field

B - Print label below field

Address Format Example Using Labels and Attributes:

^Acc.Name1:'=Account Name : ':R
^Con.Title ^Con.First ^Con.Last
^Acc.City, ^Acc.State ^Acc.Zip


ABC-Systems Inc. =Account Name
Mr. Mario Wolf
2640 Golden Gate Parkway
Suite 211
Naples, FL 34105