
Statistics by Length of Stay (sales_tiered_stats2 with FOR9.FMX)

Note: A component suite's Average Daily Rate (ADR) calculation is based on the number of physical rooms making up the component suite.

The Sales Tiered Statistics report will display a breakdown of the Room Nights, Room Revenue and ADR by guest Length of Stay. When the RATES > RATE TIERS application function is set to N, the Length of Stay groupings will be 1-4, 5-11, 12-29, and 30+ days. But when the RATES > RATE TIERS application function is set to Y, the report will use the Lengths of Stay configured by the Property in Configuration > Rate Management > Rate Classifications > Rate Tiers.

This report will contain the same information as ‘Sales_tiered_stats’.  The difference for sales_tiered_stats2 is the report output will contain all configured Tiers in separate rows. The Tiers are displayed as Rows on the report instead of Columns to allow all needed information to display in the space provided.

Based on the Group By selection, the report will either print a breakdown by Room Class, Room Type, Market Group, Market Code or display a Property summary. The report output is broken down into two sections, the first section is for the date selected and the second section is a MTD total.  The MTD is always for the month of the date selected.

The room class and market main group filter are picked up from reservation_stat_daily table. This means, if the Market Group has changed for a Market Code, the Revenue and Rooms will be displayed under the OLD Market Group.

The Revenue directly posted on a ‘Pseudo’ rooms will not be reflected on the report output. Revenues  generated by passer-by or posted in AR will be considered under the LOWEST Length of Stay Tier.

FOR9.FMX Selection Criteria


Date. Manually enter, or select the Calendar button to choose, the date for the report.


Room Class.  Multi Select LOV for filtering on specific Room Classes.  Only include reservations that are made for a room type that is in the selected room class. Available when the GENERAL > ROOM CLASS application function is set to Y.

Room Type. Multi Select LOV for filtering on specific room types. Only include reservations that are made with a room type that is in the selected room types.

Market Group. Select specific market groups to filter the results of the report by.

Market Code. Select specific market codes to filter the results of the report by.


Unused Codes. Select to include all codes since the beginning of the year. If unchecked, the report will show records that do not have zero values for both the Room and Revenue columns.


Extended Stay Summary. Select to display Extended Stay reservations on the report. Reservations that will be considered extended stay will be based on the number that is entered into the For Nights Greater Than field. The value entered, default of 4, will determine the calculation of reservations considered as extended stays, with room nights greater than this value.

Note: Including this Display option for the report may increase the runtime of the report. This is because the details for the report includes data going back to beginning of the year that the report is being run for.

Group By

Room.  Single Select LOV.  Selection can be Room Class (if ROOM CLASS function is active), Room Type or NULL.  Null selection is the blank line in the LOV.

Market.  Single Select LOV.  Selection can be market group, market code or NULL.  Null selection is the blank line in the LOV.

Note:  If both the Room Group By and the Market Group By selections are ‘Null’, the report output will be for the Property.

Report Output

Date/Month to Date/Last Year/On The Books(OTB)

Avail. Total number of rooms available at the property.

OOO. Number of rooms with an Out of Order status.

Tier. Length of Stay tiers as configured from the Configuration > Rate Management > Rate Classifications > Rate Tiers menu option.

Comp. Number of comp rooms.

Rms. Number of rooms occupied for the length of stay tier.

Occ. %. Occupancy percentage for the tier.

Revenue. Total revenue amount for the length of stay.

ADR. Average Daily Rate.

REVPAR. Displays the revenue per available room by calculating the Total Room Revenue/Total Number of Rooms.

Extended Stay Summary

The calculations displayed in this section will be based on the value entered in the For Nights Greater Than field in the Extended Stay Summary display option on the report criteria form. If the value entered is 4, for example, then this section will contain details for stays that are >= 5 nights.

Available Rooms. Total number of physical rooms configured for the property minus rooms with an Out of Order status.

Ext. Stay Rooms. Total number of rooms occupied/in house.

Ext. Stay Revenue. Total room revenue for all occupied/in house rooms.

Ext. Stay Occ. %. Extended Stay number of rooms divided by the total number of available rooms.

Ext. Stay ADR. Extended Stay Revenue divided by the Extended Stay Rooms.

Ext. Stay REVPAR. Extended Stay Revenue divided by the total number of Available Rooms.