
Profile Anonymization Scheduled Procedure

To protect personal information for guests, a guest profile’s data can be made private through data anonymization. The Profile Anonymization feature uses data anonymization to encrypt or remove a guest’s personal information from the database so the guest can remain anonymous.

The scheduled procedure Anonymize Profile Information is available from the menu Utilities > Utilities > OPERA Scheduler, in the Profile group. This routine anonymizes sensitive data on the requested profiles.

When the PROFILES > PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTECTION application parameter is active, this procedure is automatically activated and scheduled to run on a nightly basis.

The automatically created job is linked to the chain from where the parameter was activated. There is one instance of this job created per chain. Each instance of the job only processes the profiles belonging to that chain. To change the time/frequency of the scheduled procedure, select the Schedule button and modify the Start and Repeat sections. When scheduled, the procedure anonymizes all Profiles with the Anonymize check box selected. If a profile is requested to be anonymized but cannot be, this is logged.