
Owner Cashbooks

Owner Cashbook statements, available when the Owner Cashbook Ownership Group Application Parameter is set to Y and the Ownership>Revenue Pooling application function is set to N, display disbursements, payments, and owner account balances in a format that facilitates an internal audit by State Auditors.

To generate single cashbook statements or to generate batch cashbook statements, select the range of dates to generate the statements for, select the Cashbook option button, and then select the Preview, Print, File, Fax, or Email buttons.

A sample Owner Cashbook is displayed below:

For a full breakdown on the information displayed on an Owner Cashbook, refer to the table below.

Area Number

Area Name

Area Description


Cashbook Statement Information

The Cashbook Statement Information area displays the cashbook title, the statement period, and the following additional information

Date. The date the statement was generated.

Time. The time the statement was generated.

User. The user who generated the statement.

Account No. The account number the statement was generated for.

Units. The units included in the statement.


Unit Owner Information

The Unit Owner Information area displays the owner name and address, as defined on the contract.


Trustee Information

The Trustee Information area displays trustee contact information (if applicable), as defined on the contract, including the name, Australian Business Number (ABN), address, and phone and fax numbers.

Note: The name that appears in the Trustee Information area is defined via the Cashbook Operator Ownership group Application Setting.


Cashbook Statement Details

The Cashbook Statement Details area displays the following information:

Previous Balance. The previous account balance.

Post Date. The date the transaction posted.

Folio No. The guest folio number.

Payer/Payee. The payer/payee name.

Description. A description of the transaction.

On Hold. The amount withheld. This amount is not included in the running balance.

Payment Method. The payment method.

Credit. The amount of the transaction if it is a credit.

Debit. The amount of the transaction if it is a debit.

Balance. The running account balance.

Total. The account balance at the end of the statement period.

Inc. GST. The amount of any taxes.

See Also