
Memberships Report Group

Award Redeem Analysis- The Award Redeem Analysis report provides membership award redemption information so you can assess your current membership award programs and plan for future ones.

Detail Transaction Report for Membership Points Conversion - The Detail Transaction Report for Membership Points Conversion shows membership transactions in which Primary loyalty points were transferred to other membership points, i.e., from a Primary guest loyalty membership to any other membership type that has a set exchange rate. Select a specified date range and one or more membership types for the report filters.

Limited Membership Statement – The Limited Membership Statement report displays the Limited Membership Statement for the selected batch ID. Users can view the award points available for the member at the time of the statement batch with the amount of credit points, debit points, closing balance, number of transactions, and awards consumed for the time period of the batch.

Membership Claims Report - The Membership Claims Report allows you to track submitted membership claims for a property or non-property type, such as ORS/OCIS. This report also shows all membership claims submitted by the hotel. In addition, it shows the user who submitted the claim, the reason for the claim, and the membership type and number.

Membership Count - The Membership Count report displays the number of members having Primary Memberships who joined, or were already members, within a date range. You can also view members who stayed within a date range.

Membership Revenue by Member and Membership Revenue by Type Reports - The Membership Revenue by Member and Membership Revenue by Type reports display all eligible revenues contributed by primary memberships based on a Market Group/Revenue Group or Rate Group/Revenue Group combination. Additionally, these reports show all eligible revenues contributed by primary members divided by those who earn frequent flyer (FFP) miles and those who opt to earn primary membership points.

Membership Statements for Award Points - This report displays the membership statements for the selected batch.

Membership Statements for Tier Status Credit (TSC) Points - This report displays the membership statements for the selected batch for Tier points. Users can view tier stay , nights, and revenue points available for the member. Totals are also included for the Year-to- Date totals and lifetime totals.

Membership Tier Status Credit Report - The Membership Tier Status Credit Report displays the membership details and status resulting from the Downgrade, Renewal, or Upgrade membership batch process.

OCIS Detail Award Points Transaction Report - The OCIS Detail Award Points Transaction Report displays award points transactions for a membership type within a defined date range. One or more awards and/or properties can be selected to filter the information displayed in the report output. If properties are not selected, all properties in which there are award points transactions for the membership type will be displayed in the report.

OCIS Summary Award Points Transaction Report - The OCIS Summary Award Points Transaction Report displays a summary of award points transactions for a membership type within a defined date range. One or more awards and/or properties can be selected to filter the information displayed in the report output. If properties are not selected, all properties in which there are award points transactions for the membership type will be displayed in the report.

OCIS Detail Billing Transaction Report - The OCIS Detail Billing Transaction Report displays the billing transactions for a membership type within a defined date range. Properties can be selected to filter the information displayed in the report output. If properties are not selected, all properties in which there are billing transactions for the membership type will be displayed in the report. A billing group can also be selected to further filter report information. Note: This report is dependent on membership billing groups being configured and associated with membership transactions for the correct billing information to display (see Membership Billing Groups).

OCIS Summary Billing Transaction Report - The OCIS Summary Billing Transaction Report displays a summary of the billing transactions for a membership type within a defined date range. Properties can be selected to filter the information displayed in the report output. If properties are not selected, all properties in which there are billing transactions for the membership type will be displayed in the report. Note: This report is dependent on membership billing groups being configured and associated with membership transactions for the correct billing information to display (see Membership Billing Groups).

Possible Duplicate Membership - This report displays information to assist users in identifying when the profile, with a primary membership attached, has a Departure and Arrival date for the same day and/or multiple rooms with the same Arrival and Departure date. The report identifies those membership transactions which may need manual review by the client for point calculations for multiple room reservations and/or back-to-back stays.

Primary Membership Activity Log - The Primary Membership Activity Log displays information showing changes to a Profile’s Primary Membership, based on a filtered date range.

Promotions - The Promotions Report identifies profiles registered for a particular Promotion Code.

Promotions Summary - The Promotions Summary report provides a view of the number of stays associated with a promotion code, at a property, within a time range.