
Times Sold Reaches Strategies (orms_rate_strategy with GENREPPAR.FMX)

This report allows viewing all defined Rate Strategies from OPERA for any condition with 'If Times sold reaches.' Furthermore, the report displays conveniently how many reservations already exist for the given condition and how many are left to sell before the strategy reaches the set number.


Strategies From. Start Date, for which Rate Strategies data should be displayed on the report.

Strategies To. End Date, for which Rate Strategies data should be displayed on the report.

Report Output

Strategy Date. Date for which the strategy has been set up.

Condition. The condition that has been used for this strategy. Possible values are Room Class, Room Type, Rate Category, Rate Code and any combination such as Rate Category/Room Class.

Value. Value of the set Condition. Example: STD (Room Type), RACK (Rate Code), etc.

Description. Description of the displayed value. Example: Standard Room, Rack Rate, etc.

Type. TSR (To sell reaches).

Limit. The limit that was set up on the Rate Strategy.

Sold. How many rooms have already been sold at this condition.

Avail. How many rooms are left to be sold on that condition.

orms times sold reaches rate strategies report

See Also