
ORMS Multi Property

Note: This topic applies to ORMS ADF11.

The Multi Property Dashboard displays Occupancy, ADR, RevPAR, Hurdle, and Overbooking data for up to 4 different properties.



The permission you need to access ORMS and the Home Dashboard is Revenue Management>ACCESS ORMS. Permissions to access other dashboards can be granted. See Preliminary Setup in OPERA for ORMS.

Workflow Overview

To view data on the ORMS Multi Property Dashboard:

Multi Property Grid Header Details

Property. View-only and references the property that the grid is for.

View. Multi-Select list of display options for viewing the grid other than the default display. Select or deselect the display options according to your preference. Once an item is selected or deselected, the screen will refresh with your selections displayed.

Save. Select to Save the details for the property.

Detach. Select this button to expand the grid you want to view. The expanded view will comprise the entire screen, eliminating other sections, so you can view the current grid singularly.

Alerts & Events. Click the link to display a view-only window of the Alerts & Events that are available at the property. See Alerts & Events for details.

Property Grid Data Details

Each line item that is displayed in the grid for each property represents one day and will span the number of days based on the date filter that was selected.

Date. Displays the Day of the Week and the full date.

OCC (Room). Total number of rooms occupied at the property for the day.

OTB Fore. The number of constrained "on the books" forecasted room reservations for that date.

OCC (%). Percentage of the property that is occupied.

OTB Fore. The constrained "on the books" forecasted occupancy percentage for the date.

ADR. The Average Daily Rate (ADR) for that date.

OTB Fore. The "on the books" forecasted ADR for that date.

RevPAR. The Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR) for the date.

OTB Fore. The "on the books" forecasted revenue per available room.

Overbooking (House)
