
Switch Interface

In OXI, the Switch Interface functionality allows a user to get from one interface to another in a multi-property setup without logging in and out per interface type.

For example, you may have initially logged in to the SPIRIT interface for property ABCD and now need to review SPIRIT conversion details for property WXYZ. Another example is that you may have initially logged in to the SPIRIT interface for property ABCD and now need to review GOAL conversion details for property ABCD. The Switch Interface functionality allows you to do both.

To access the Switch Interface functionality, Log into OXI and select Switch Interface from the main menu. The Interface and Opera Property Configuration screen appears, displaying all of the available interfaces per property.

Note: Select the Show Inactive Interfaces check box to view interfaces that are marked as inactive.

X. Select to edit or delete an interface configuration.

Interface. The interface.

Opera Property. The OPERA property.

Ext System Property. The external system property.

See Also