
Setting Up OEDS Parameters in OXI for an HTNG Interface

The OEDS parameters must be set up in OXI for all HTNG Interfaces. To set up the OEDS parameters in OXI, log in to OXI, select an HTNG interface at the OPERA Login prompt, and then select Interface Configuration > Interface Parameters. The Interface Parameter Setup for the Interface XXX and the Property XXX screen appears.

To configure the interface parameters, select a parameter group from the Groups column, select the parameter in the Parameters column, and then select the Edit button.

The following interface groups must be configured for all HTNG interfaces:

OEDS Communication Interface Group Parameters

The following OEDS Communication Interface Group parameters must be configured.

Parameter Name

Parameter Direction of Transmission / Description


-> Direction: Data from OPERA To External System.

The partner Activity Service URL


-> Direction: Data from OPERA To External System.

The partner Name Service URL

Note: The value entered for these parameters can be the same.

OEDS Generic Interface Group Parameters

The following OEDS Generic Interface Group parameters must be configured.

Parameter Name

Parameter Direction of Transmission / Description


-> Direction: Data from OPERA To External System.

Number Of Consecutive Failed Business Events Before BE Service Shutdown, If Set To "0", the Business Event Service will not shutdown.


-> Direction: Data from OPERA To External System.

Number Of Retries Before Skipping A Business Event.


ID To Be Used When Reading Business Events


Use Conversion Code Functionality. Always set to Yes.


-> Direction: Data from OPERA to external system

Address/URI Used By The Destination Web Server To Identify The Message Used For Security Reason


-> Direction: Data from external system to OPERA

Web Server Authentication Password


-> Direction: Data from external system to OPERA

Web Server Authentication User Name


IFC8 Interface Number used for Payment Posting


ID To Be Used When Reading Interactive Queue Message


-> Direction: Data from OPERA To External System.

Maximum Number Of Rows To Return During Lookup


-> Direction: Data from OPERA to external system

SOAP Context From Address. Set to HTNG.


-> Direction: Data from OPERA to external system

SOAP Context From Address. Always set to URN:OPERA.


Number Of Seconds To Wait when there is not message in Interactive or Business Events Queue.


Number Of Seconds To Wait After A Communication Error.


-> Direction: Data from OPERA to external system

Web Server Authentication Password.


-> Direction: Data from OPERA to external system

Web Server Authentication User Name.

* When OPERA is accessed from a cloud environment and connected to the Oracle Service Bus, this parameter is hidden. For OPERA without Oracle Service Bus and Cloud component, this parameter is visible.

OEDS Name Interface Group Parameters

The following OEDS Name Interface Group parameters must be configured.

Parameter Name

Parameter Direction of Transmission / Description





-> Direction: Data from External System to OPERA.

Default Address Type to be used when Address Type is not send in the message. The

value set should be external system value before conversion


-> Direction: Data from External System to OPERA.

Default Phone Type to be used when Phone Type is not send in the message. The value set should be external system value before conversion


-> Direction: Data from External System to OPERA.

Default Profile Type to be used when Profile Type is not send in the message. The value set should be external system value before conversion


-> Direction: Data from OPERA To External System.

The Destination Entity ID. Set to EAS.


-> Direction: Data from OPERA To External System.

The Destination System Type. Set to EAS.


-> Direction: Data from External System to OPERA.

If set to "Y", on a profile update and profile does not exist in opera interface will throw an exception. If set to "N" will insert it as a new profile


-> Direction: Data from OPERA To External System.

The OPERA Entity ID. Set to Opera.


-> Direction: Data from OPERA To External System.

The Origin Organization ID. Set to Property


-> Direction: Data from OPERA To External System.

The OPERA System Type. Set to PMS.


-> Direction: Data from External System to OPERA.

Set to None.


-> Direction: Data from External System to OPERA.

Set to Gaming.


-> Direction: Data from OPERA To External System.

Subscribe Profile After A Successful Profile Lookup. Set to Yes.

OEDS Reservation Interface Group Parameters

The following OEDS Reservation Interface Group parameters must be configured.

Parameter Name

Parameter Direction of Transmission / Description


-> Direction: Data from OPERA To External System.

Send Share Number In Reservation Message. Always set to "N".