
Switching Interfaces for OEDS

You can switch from one interface to the next in a multi-property setup without logging in and out per interface type. To switch interfaces, select Switch Interface from the main menu to access the Interface and Opera Property Configuration screen and see all configured interfaces per OPERA property.  In most cases only one interface ID will be displayed for properties.

Sample usage: Upon the initial login you may have logged in to the SPIRIT interface for property ABCD and now need to review SPIRIT conversion details for property XYZZ. Use Switch Interface to change interface and property.

Sample: Switch Interface screen with many different installed interfaces and properties

NOTE: For new interface installations only, delete any redundant interface records that the OXI wizard has created right away to avoid confusion later.

Show inactive interfaces. Flag this function to display interfaces that have been deactivated.

Delete. To permanently remove the interface from the OXI configuration. Be aware that this will erase all details for this interface from the OXI tables.

See Also