
GRC Application Setting

Group.  BLOCKS 

Type. Function








Description. Activates the Group Rooms Control screen (SC_GRC). The GRC summarizes group room nights by date and status and provides the details of room nights per business block. When this function is activated, the application group GRC is visible.

Internal Name. GRC

Property Determination.

Activation / Inactivation Rules. 

The GRC function will only be visible when the full S&C (OPS_<version number> Opera Sales & Catering License by Number of Rooms / OPC_<version number> Opera Sales & Catering License by Concurrent Users) or S&C Limited Service (OPL_<version number> Opera Sales & Catering License by Number of Rooms / OPM_<version number> Opera Sales & Catering License by Number of Concurrent Users) is active.


The application function will not be available when the OSM_<version number> OPERA S&C ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT (BASED ON ROOM QTY) or OSL_<version number> OPERA S&C ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT (BASED ON CONCURRENT USERS) license is active.



Available Values.

Y- Yes

N- No

Add On Licenses/Country Specifics.


Other Application Settings.

GRC>Include Inquiry In Nondeduct

GRC>Default Budget Variance Status1

GRC>Default Budget Variance Status2

GRC>Default GRC Display Name

GRC>Default GRC Sorting

Affected Areas

Menus / Screens / Fields.

Business Management>Group Rooms Control


Reports & Report Forms.




Other Areas.
