
Guests in House By Company (gi_inhousebycomp with INH4.FMX)

The Guests in House By Company Report displays all guests in house that have a Company Profile on the reservation. Sales personnel can print this report to see at a glance what companies are in house for extending amenities or to confirm all aspects of their reservation is satisfactory.

Selection Criteria


Room Class. Multi Select LOV for filtering on specific Room Classes. The Room Class filter is only displayed when the General>Room Class application function is active.

Company. Multi Select LOV for filtering on specific companies.

VIP Only. Only include those Reservations that have a VIP Code attached to the Primary Profile. When checked, a Multi Select LOV is displayed to allow for filtering on specific VIP codes.


Pseudo Rooms. If checked, the report will include those Reservations that are in a Room Type configured as ‘Pseudo’.


Notes. When checked, all notes attached to the Reservation and Primary Profile will be displayed on the report. The user can select from a Multi Select LOV, specific Note or Comment types they would like included on the report.  

Include Internal Notes. When the Notes check box is selected, an additional check box is also displayed that allows the option of including those Notes that have marked as “internal”. If this check box is NOT selected, the Filter information on the report output does not display that “internal” notes are not included.

Sort Order. Alphabetical, Room No., VIP Code.