
Financial Transactions by Block (finjrnl_blk with CAS11.FMX)

The Financial Transactions by Block allows the property to see the Revenues, Taxes, and package credits generated by specific Blocks and for specific Transaction Codes, but does not include $0.00 transactions. The layout and concept of the report is similar to finjrnlbytrans and finjrnlbytrans2. The finjrnl_blk will only match other financial transaction reports when the report is run with a Date Range and no Block Code is selected for filter. In this scenario, all transactions posted would be included on the report output. Those postings not associated with a Block would be grouped into a category of ‘NON BLOCK’.

To determine whether a transaction belongs to a block we take the reservation that currently 'owns' the transaction and see whether that reservation has a block attached.

The report selects from financial_transactions. To find out whether a transaction belongs to a block it is joined with reservation_daily_elements, reservation_daily_element_name and reservation_name. Furthermore we join with allotment_header and depending on the filter we may also join trx$_codes.

Selection Criteria

Detailed. Select to print one line for each transaction on the report.

Summary. Select to print a summary of the transaction according to the selection in the 'Group By' field.

Date Range

From Date/To Date. Enter a date range that is equal to, or less than the Business Date.


Block. Multi Select LOV to filter by specific blocks for the results of your report. Only Blocks that have a stay date during the selected date range will be displayed for selection in the list of values.

Room Class. When the General>Room Class application function is set to Y, a multi select LOV is available displaying all configured Room Classes to filter by.

Tran. Code Group. Multi Select LOV for filtering on specific Transaction Code Groups. Only include those transaction codes that are part of the specific Code Group.

Note: The Cashiering>View Cash Transactions on Reports permission must be granted in order to include transaction codes configured for cash payment types.

Tran. Code Subgroup. Multi Select LOV for filtering on specific Transaction Code Subgroups. Only include those transaction codes that are part of the specific Code Subgroup.


Revenue. When printing ‘Net’ the inclusive tax transaction codes will be printed on a separate line. When printing 'Gross' the inclusive tax transactions will not be printed as a separate line.

Group by. Block/Non-Block (only two lines will be printed, one for all blocks, one for all non-blocks), Block Code (Default), Trn. Group, Trn. Subgroup, Transaction Code, Transaction Date, Guest Name, Room No.

A maximum of 3 group-by selections is allowed. The 'Group By' is the main sort criteria (i.e., the sort order only comes into play for all 'Detailed' records).

Sort Order. Chronological (Default, this uses the trx_no column rather than insert_date to ensure the transactions are printed in sequential order), Block/Non-Block (only two lines will be printed, one for all blocks, one for all non-blocks), Block Codes, Transaction Code, Guest Name, Room No., Amount

Note: The 'Group By' is the main sort criteria, i.e. the sort order only comes into play for all 'Detailed' records.