


Type.  Setting

Application.  PMS

Description. Extended Deposit Handling

Property Determination. If a receipt or a folio is printed for deposits, is tax calculated or not, and are country specific conditions taken into consideration or not. Also, multiple combinations of the mentioned variables.

When the Cashiering > Credit Card Transaction Surcharge parameter is set to Y, users will not be allowed to change this setting to anything other than a 0, 1 or 2.

Activation / Inactivation Rules. 


Available Values.

Select available deposit modes (hardcoded); see below.

Add On Licenses/Country Specifics.


Other Application Settings.

When Cashiering > Advanced Tax Handling for Deposits is active, only options 4 and 9 are available.

Affected Areas

Menus / Screens / Fields.

Cashiering > Billing


Reports & Report Forms.





You cannot split deposit transfer transactions if the Advance Deposit Handling application setting is set to an option that creates a folio for a deposit (e.g., Print Folio for Deposit Receipt).




When deposits are paid with an EFT Credit Card, the Folio Number, Folio Type, and Queue Name details are also populated with all of the other credit card settlement details in the CR_CARD_SETTLE table.




When the Cashiering > Advanced Deposit Handling application setting is defined to Generate a Deposit Folio, transaction codes that are configured as Paid Out will not be available for selection when posting a deposit payment.


Mode 0.

Mode 1. Print Deposit Receipt

Mode 2. Print tax on Deposit Receipt

Mode 3. Print folio for deposit receipt.

Above is standard for Deposit Folio

Mode 4. Print folio for deposit receipt, calculating taxes at bill generation.

Same as #3 except:

Mode 5. Print folio for deposit receipt, applying country condition for printing of folio  

Same as #3 except:

Mode 6. Print folio for deposit receipt, calculating taxes at bill generation and apply country condition for printing of folio

Same as #3 except:

Mode 7. Print deposit receipt, print tax on deposit receipt (1+2)

Mode 8. Print deposit receipt, print folio for deposit receipt (1+3)

Mode 9. Print deposit receipt, print folio for deposit receipt and calculate taxes at bill generation (1+4)

Mode 10. Print deposit receipt, print folio for deposit receipt and apply country condition for printing of folio (1+5)

Mode 11. Print deposit receipt, print folio for deposit receipt, calculate taxes at bill generation and apply country condition for printing of folio (1+6)

Mode 12. Print tax on deposit receipt, print folio for deposit receipts (2+3)

Mode 13. Print tax on deposit receipt, print folio and calculate taxes at bill generation (2+4)

Mode 14. Print tax on deposit receipt, print folio and apply country condition for printing of folio (2+5)

Mode 15. Print tax on deposit receipt, print folio for deposit receipt, calculate taxes at bill generation and apply country condition for printing of folio (2+6)