
DATE FOR AGING Application Setting

Group.  AR

Type.  Setting

Application.  PMS

Description.  Age invoices based on this value.

Property Determination. OPERA will age the invoice based on this setting. The default is AR Transfer Date.

Activation / Inactivation Rules. 


Available Values.

(See Notes below for more detail on each of the available values.)

ART   (AR Transfer Date)

INC   (Invoice Close Date)

COD  (Check Out Date)

ING (Invoice Generation Date)

Add On Licenses/Country Specifics.


Other Application Settings.




Affected Areas

Menus / Screens / Fields.


Reports & Report Forms.

Aging Summary for All Types (ARALLAGETYPE)

Aging Summary of All Accounts (ARAGINGSUM)

Aging by Type Only (ARAGETYPE)

Aging Summary by Types (ARAGING)






The Available Values (ART, INC, COD, ING) determine the date when the AR Aging begins.




The AR Invoice begins aging on the date the Invoice is transferred to the AR account.

This setting can be viewed / changed in:

Setup > Application Settings; Group = AR.

If Auto Transfer Folios parameter is set to Y, the Direct Bill folio is automatically transferred to the respective AR account during the End of Day routine; else if set to N, the user can manually transfer it from the accrued folios directly to AR using the AR > Transfer F/O Data option.







Automatic Transfer

The Auto Transfer Folios parameter is Y (checked). The Direct Bill folio will automatically transfer into AR during the next End Of Day routine.

Manual Transfer

The Auto Transfer Folios parameter is N (unchecked). The selected Direct Bill folios can manually be transferred into AR from the Transfer F/O Data bin.








[Setup > Application Settings]


Auto Transfer Folios:
Y (checked) = Automatic Transfer setting
N (unchecked) = Manual Transfer setting


Date for Aging Value = ART





Automatic Transfer

Reservation is ready to check out.

The payment code is set to Direct Bill.

Cashiering > Billing > Select > Check Out > Confirm Payment Code as Direct Bill > Post.

The invoice is now created and will be transferred into AR during the next End Of Day routine for the business date.



Manual Transfer

The reservation has been checked out and End of Day routine for the business date has been completed.

AR > Transfer F/O Data > Select > Transfer > Yes.

Immediately transfers the selected invoices from the Front Office directly into AR.






The AR Invoice begins aging on the date the Invoice is Closed.

This setting can be viewed / changed in:

Setup > Application Settings
Group = AR, Parameter = Close Invoice.

Y (Yes)
N (No)







[Setup > Application Settings]


Close Invoice:
Y (checked) = Allows the user to close an invoice to prevent further charges or adjustments to the invoice outside of payment posting


Date for Aging Value = INC






The invoice is complete and final, and no new charges or adjustments will be added to the invoice.

AR > Account Maintenance > Select Invoice > Options > Close Invoice > Inv. Close


Note: The Close Invoice action cannot be reversed; once an invoice is closed, it cannot be re-opened.


The interim bill settled to AR will begin aging only after the reservation is checked out.

This setting can be viewed / changed in:

Setup > Application Settings

Group = AR, Setting = Date For Aging





[Setup > Application Settings]


Date for Aging Value = COD






Reservation is ready to check out.

Cashiering > Billing > Select > Check Out > Confirm Payment Code as Direct Bill > Post.

The invoice will eventually be transferred to AR Account either automatically or manually after the End of Day routine for the business date is completed.


Aging begins with the date on which an interim bill is generated on a reservation and settled to an AR account.

This setting can be viewed / changed in:

Setup > Application Settings

Group = AR, Setting = Date For Aging





[Setup > Application Settings]


Date for Aging Value = ING






Reservation is checked in on 09/12/11 and the interim bill is generated for the AR account on the same date. Aging for this interim bill will begin on 09/12/11.

Cashiering > Billing > Select > Settlement > Interim Bill

Additional Examples:

Example # 1 and Example #2 below use the following AR Aging Levels.

AR Aging Levels

Up to 2
60 and Over

Example #1


Business Date 11/17/11

Created new AR Account ABC – TA01 – Account Code 255851

Created Invoice 259, Bill_no 444 in AR for 1500.00 USD – ar_transfer_date shows as 11/17/11

Created Reservation for Guest, John, Arrival 11/17/11 – Departure 11/22/11 (5 nights), conf. no 3265748, resv_name_id 12225880, room 501, rate code ADDR-ARR. Added routing for all transaction codes to window 2 for ABC with payment type Direct Bill.

Check in the guest.

Run night audit for 11/17/11

Business Date 11/18/11

Create Interim bill for ABC, bill_no 445, Invoice 260 for 220.00 USD

Post several charges.

Invoice 259 shows in aging bucket 1 – Day 0

Run night audit for 11/18/11

Business Date 11/19/11

Invoice 259 shows in aging bucket 1 – Day 1

Transfer Invoice 260 into AR – ar_transfer_date shows as 11/19/11

Create Interim bill for ABC, bill_no 446, Invoice 261 for 300.00 USD

Run night audit for 11/19/11

Business Date 11/20/11

Invoice 259 shows in aging bucket 1 – Day 2

Invoice 260 shows in aging bucket 2 – Day 0

Run night audit for 11/20/11

Business Date 11/21/11

Invoice 259 shows in aging bucket 2 – Day 3

Invoice 260 shows in aging bucket 1 – Day 0 (since guest has not yet checked out)

Transfer Invoice 261 into AR – ar_transfer_date shows as 11/21/11

Run night audit for 11/21/11

Business Date 11/22/11

Invoice 259 shows in aging bucket 2 – Day 4

Invoice 260 shows in aging bucket 1 – Day 0 (since guest has not yet checked out)

Invoice 261 shows in aging bucket 1 – Day 0 (since guest has not yet checked out)

Check Out Guest to Direct Bill. Created Invoice 262, bill_no 447 for 600.00 USD

Run night audit for 11/22/11

Invoice 259 shows in aging bucket 2 – Day 5

Invoice 260 shows in aging bucket 1 – Day 0 - guest is now checked out

Invoice 261 shows in aging bucket 1 – Day 0 - guest is now checked out

Business Date 11/23/11

Transfer Invoice 262 into AR – ar_transfer_date shows as 11/23/11

Run night audit for 11/23/11

Business Date 11/24/11

Invoice 259 shows in aging bucket 3 – Day 6 - Amount 1500.00 USD

Invoice 260 shows in aging bucket 1 – Day 1 - Amount 260.00 USD

Invoice 261 shows in aging bucket 1 – Day 1 - Amount 300.00 USD

Invoice 262 shows in aging bucket 1 – Day 1- Amount 600.00 USD

Run night audit for 11/24/11

Business Date 11/25/11

Invoice 259 shows in aging bucket 3 – Day 7 - Amount 1500.00 USD

Invoice 260 shows in aging bucket 1 – Day 2 - Amount 260.00 USD

Invoice 261 shows in aging bucket 1 – Day 2 - Amount 300.00 USD

Invoice 262 shows in aging bucket 1 – Day 2- Amount 600.00 USD

Run night audit for 11/25/11

Business Date 11/26/11

Invoice 259 shows in aging bucket 3 – Day 8 - Amount 1500.00 USD

Invoice 260 shows in aging bucket 2 – Day 3 - Amount 260.00 USD

Invoice 261 shows in aging bucket 2 – Day 3 - Amount 300.00 USD

Invoice 262 shows in aging bucket 2 – Day 3- Amount 600.00 USD

Aging started at the check-out date of the guest.

When the invoice is created in AR, the creation date = check-out date. Therefore Invoice 259 starts aging immediately.

Business Date 11/26/11

Recalculate the aging.

Invoice 259 shows in aging bucket 3 – Day 8 - Amount 1500.00 USD – Invoice Generation Date 11/17/11

Invoice 260 shows in aging bucket 3 – Day 7 - Amount 260.00 USD – Invoice Generation Date 11/18/11

Invoice 261 shows in aging bucket 3 – Day 6 - Amount 300.00 USD – Invoice Generation Date 11/19/11

Invoice 262 shows in aging bucket 2 – Day 3- Amount 600.00 USD – Invoice Generation Date 11/22/11

Example #2

Business Date 12/01/11

Created new company profile for Bank of America, Name ID 3563755, Account CO48, account code 257100.

Created reservation for Dunkan, Christina, 3287302, resv_name_id 12247436 for 5 nights in room 106 with routing of all charges to the new company.

Checked in the guest.

Run a night audit.

Business Date 12/02/11

Created interim bill 459, invoice no 272 for 100.00 USD

Run another night audit.

Business Date 12/03/11

Transfer invoice no 272 to AR (trx date 12/02/11)

Created interim bill 460, invoice no 273 for 350.00 USD

Run another night audit.

Business Date 12/04/11

Transfer invoice no 273 to AR (trx date 12/03/11)

Checked reminder letter and age on invoice 272 shows as 2 and on invoice 273 shows as 1)

Both amounts show in aging bucket 1.

Run 2 more night audits

Business Date 12/06/11

Invoice 272 shows correctly in aging bucket 2 and invoice 273 shows in aging bucket 1.

On the reminder screen, aging shows as 4

Reminder letter shows invoice 272 with age 4 and invoice 273 with age 3.

Change the date for aging to COD (Check Out Date)

Recalculate the aging buckets.

Both invoices show in aging bucket 1 which is correct as the guest has not yet checked out.

Reminder screen is not showing any records.

Invoice 272 has an ar_transfer_date of 12/03/11.

Invoice 273 has an ar_transfer_date of 12/04/11.

Check out the guest.

Created final folio no 463, invoice no 275

Run a night audit

Business Date 12/07/11

Transfer invoice no 275 to AR (ar_transfer_date is 12/07/11)

All invoices show in aging bucket 1, reminder screen is not showing anything.

Run a night audit

Business Date 12/08/11

All invoices show in aging bucket 1, reminder screen shows reminder with age 2, which is based on the check out date of 12/06/11.

Run a night audit

Business Date 12/09/11

All invoices show in aging bucket 1, reminder screen shows reminder with age 3, which is based on the check out date of 12/06/11.

Run a night audit

Business Date 12/10/11

All invoices show in aging bucket 2, reminder screen shows reminder with age 4, which is based on the check out date of 12/06/11.

See Also