
Cross Property Posting - Details

Multi Property Cross Posting handles manual postings, deposit postings, movements, maturity, and inter property accounting for manual postings. OPERA makes cross postings and reporting as simple as possible for users and guests to apply advance deposits and charges to reservations residing in other properties within the multi property environment. An Inter Property account clearly defines the transactions involved, as well as outstanding amounts due to and from properties. Guest folios state the charge incurred at another property in terms that are simple to the guest and address tax breakdowns complying with country requirements and parameters.

To assist in the simplification of this intricate and detailed functionality, users enter cross postings for guests in other properties through a separate menu option. Cashiering>Cross Property Postings. Within this menu the menu options Inter Property Postings (Cross Property Postings user permission) and Inter Property Account (Inter Property Account user permission) are available.

Multi-Property Cross Revenues License Code Restrictions

Inter Property Postings

Source Property. This field auto-populates the default login property of the user. Users cannot change this value as the source is fixed based on the cashier’s default log in property.

Target Property. All properties in this list of values contain active PMS license codes, an active multi-property cross revenues active add-on license code, identical business dates, and identical local currencies to the logged in property.

Name/Room. Once a property has been selected, only then does the Name/Room field becomes active for the user displaying those corresponding guests’ names and room numbers. Prior to the property selection, this field is to be grayed out. This Name/ Room field list of values calls the corresponding guests and PM with the status of Checked In and Due Out based upon the property defined in the property switch.

Trn. Code. Choose a transaction code from the list of values displayed.

Price. Enter the unit price of the transaction.

Quantity. Enter the quantity of the transaction. The system defaults to 1.

Amount. Displays the total amount of the transaction, multiplying the price by the quantity entered.

Window. Choose the folio in which the transaction is to be displayed. You may choose to place all transactions in the first window. If routing instructions have been defined, the transaction entered is automatically placed in the pre-defined folio window.

Check Number. If your system has a POS interface, the POS information is posted here.

Reference. Enter a comment regarding the transaction (the F&B ticket number if you track those tickets). This field is meant for consistent information capture.

Supplement. Enter a comment regarding this transaction if needed.

Post. Posts the transaction to the guest account.

Repeat. Duplicates the currently selected transaction entry for a new posting to the folio. Make changes as necessary.

New. Clears the current information to allow entry of a new transaction.

Users are able to post to those guests residing at other properties within the multi-property complex environment. The postings use the cashier’s own login making it simple for users.

The posting that has been placed on the guest folio through another property is highlighted in yellow. This color indicator makes users immediately aware of the inter-property posting and clearly indicate the source begin from an alternate property. A property column displays noting a property code only when another property (other than the guest’s residing property) has placed a charge on the guest’s folio.

Users can sort by Property column, thus bringing all charges applied by other properties together within the folio view.

Transaction Codes. An internal transaction code defined in Application Parameters is used for posting cross-property postings, payments and deposits within the residing properties. This internally defined transaction code auto-populates on guest folios and for deposits for those guests of other properties.

These transaction codes defined by each property are used by all other properties for posting to guests at the residing property and auto-populates on the guest’s folio for the user.

Edit Transactions. Users can edit transactions posted by other properties which include the following guidelines. Users at the guest’s residing property do not have the ability to change the posting’s description or amount, and are restricted from editing a cross property posting’s amount, description, and quantity. This prevents any revenue dispute between properties.

As soon as a charge is posted from Property B to a guest’s folio in Property A, the charge appears on the guest’s folio in A with the Property Code column auto-populating based on the source property posting charge. The cross-property posting on the guest folio always displays as a single line posting. This single line item posting occurs regardless of whether or not the charge is inclusive or exclusive of tax.

Transfer Postings. Users can transfer postings posted by other properties, assuming that the transfer is to another guest within the residing property. Guest A staying in Property A has a charge on his folio for $50 that he would like to have transferred to another folio. This can be done as long as this folio to which the $50 charge is to be transfers also resides in Property A.

Window Transfers. Users can select a cross-property posting in one window and move the charge to another window for the guest’s folio within the cashiering module.

Split Transactions. Users cannot split transactions that are marked as cross-property postings. The Split button is unavailable for the user once the cross property posting is highlighted within the billing screen. Posting History is collected for cross property postings as well.

Inter Property Accounts

The Cashiering>Inter Property Accounts menu option requires the cashier to log in. Within this new Inter Property Accounts form, users can see what amounts are due to their property from other properties, and what amounts are due from this property to other properties within the multi-complexing environment.

The Inter Property Account form is not a screen where postings can be made to guests, but only to view outstanding transactions, record payments for the Inter Property Account, and reconciled for the Inter Property account itself.

Once a tab has been selected, the user can select a property from the single select property list of values. Those properties that have an active PMS and Multi-Property Cross Posting license code and identical business date and identical local currencies are displayed in this list of values.

Owed to Other Properties Tab

This tab lets users look for outstanding amounts that Property A, for example, owes to other properties. Here, users are able to see the displayed transactions where the defined property, as noted in the list of values, has made posting to guests in the residing property (logged in property) and for whom the residing property owes monies to the property as defined in the property list of values.

Users can view the charges they want to pay for all charges, but can only apply a payment to one property at a time. Payments for the Inter Property Account are to be settled through cash or check; no credit cards or A/R settlement are permitted. Once the items are checked the total amount of the above checked records is displayed below. This amount is also auto-populated in the payment amount field viewed once the Payment button has been selected. Once a record has been settled with a payment, the record is then removed from view.

Cross-property postings requires users to post against the exact amount selected within the Inter Property account form. Users can print this payment receipt as they do with other payment postings currently within the application. Once the payment is applied, the system clears the checked items and the payment form from the screen, and only displays those records that remain outstanding.

Simultaneously, in the other property, they see that a property has posted a payment against the records has been made by the property in the lower portion of their property’s Owed from Other Properties tab. This record includes the payment’s posting date, the property’s code, and the total amount. This allows properties to see if and when a payment has been made, and when they can expect to receive it.

Property. Single select list of available cross-posting properties.

Outstanding Records. Display based on property defined. The records displayed are non editable.

Check Box Column. Select one or multiple records. If a tax charge is selected, the corresponding charge is forced as well always keeping the two together keeping the ledger clean. The Payment button becomes active. Payments are restricted to positive amounts. Once a payment is applied to selected records, those records are removed from view.

Payment Form. Includes details from the target property. Once payment is applied, the receiving property is able to see that payment has been made and to expect to receive it shortly.

Totals. These numbers at the bottom of the tab correspond accordingly to the payments.

Close. Exit from the Reconciliations screen.

Owed From Other Properties Tab

When a user selects the Owed From Other Properties tab, the user is able to view records where other cashiers in their property have posted to guests residing in other properties.

Users can view the records that they want to reconcile for all properties, but can only reconcile for one property at a time. Users choose the Reconcile button when a payment has been received from another property for the settling of their outstanding balances that exist in the Inter Property Account. Once cleared, the record no longer displays on the tab within the Inter Property screen.

Property. Single select list of available cross-posting properties.

Outstanding Records. Display based on property defined. The records displayed are non editable. Those confirmation numbers linked to the payment are displayed in the Confirmation Numbers column. This serves as an extra reference for the user, noting the confirmation number or numbers for which the payment is applied.

Lower Window. Displays payments made by other property not yet received. Select one or multiple records, and the Reconcile button becomes active. Once reconciled, these records are removed from view.

Reconcile. Once you have selected the Reconcile button, the prompt Are you sure you wish to reconcile against the following payment? displays with the options of Yes and No.

Totals. These numbers at the bottom of the tab correspond accordingly to the payments owed from other properties.

Once reconciled, the received payment is recorded for the property using that property’s InHouse Pay code defined in application parameters.

Close. Exit from the Reconciliations screen.


Users can apply deposits to reservations across properties based on the individual user’s permissions. A user must have permission to post a deposit in other properties to take advantage of this Cross Property posting with respect to advance deposit functionality.

When deposits are applied across different properties, the system maintains a ledger for all payments collected for that particular property in addition to the user’s logged in property, thus allowing for reconciliation using the Inter Property Account. This is the same Inter Property Account used for the reconciliation of cross property postings, making it familiar and consistent for users.

The user in property A can post a deposit to a reservation residing in property B. The user in Property A logs in the cashier login screen seeing his attached cashier number and entering his password. The user in A sees transaction codes from A when posting deposit for a reservation in B. The user in Property B sees a transaction for an advance deposit on Guest Folio as the transaction code defined in property B’s deposit parameter.

Cashiering Functions

A cashier who has made postings to guests in his property and to guests in other properties will only have to complete one cashier shift report. This simplified cashier closure includes all posted transactions (both to the source property and to other properties within the schema) completed within the current cashier’s shift. Because he has made deposits in other properties, these transactions appear on his cashier closure report. He closes out as normal here in his default login property, thus having no need to close in other properties.


Cross Property Postings produces the Inter Property Account Transactions report showing all payments sent to other properties as settlement for the inter property account. This report also shows all payments due to other properties from the inter property account from the logged in property.

Selection Criteria

Select Report on Owed to Other Properties or Owed From Other Properties and select by property or for all properties. Select the option for Owed to Other Properties or Owed From Other Properties for the report output or both checkboxes.

This report prints the outstanding records for the Inter Property Account, and the corresponding totals for both the monies owed from other properties or for the monies owed to other properties.

Cross Property Postings updates the following reports:

Guest Folio

Note: When the OPP_MHT3 Cross Property Revenues license code is active, the Cashiering>Inter Property Tax Trn Code application setting is used to identify the property for interface postings and for tax information displayed on the guest folio. The identifying number selected for this setting (1-10) links the source property for value added taxes and net taxes to the appropriate merge code filed on the folio. For example, if the source property's Inter Property Tax Trn Code setting is 3, taxes originating at that property will be displayed in the fields XNET3 and XVAT3. Fields XNET1 through XNET10, and XVAT1 through XVAT10 are available for use on the sample folio.

Properties can now easily identify charges for postings made at other properties within the multi-property environment.

The Guest Folio displays the Inter Property posting as a single line item in the posting section for the guest regardless if the charge is inclusive or exclusive of tax. The lump sum charge is a single line item posting on the Guest Folio. Taxes are broken down residing property taxes and Inter Property Property’s taxes.

If a charge on the bill has been posted by another property, this property’s code auto-populates in the Property Code column next to the corresponding posting so the guest and front desk agent can see where the charge originated. If the charge originated at the residing property, OPERA does not auto-populate the property code in this property column.

All taxes posted on the Guest Folio by another property appear in the new tax breakdown section. These properties display one line per property, line by line, each displaying the respective tax totals for the stay with respect to that property’s charge.

The Inter Property Postings tax section prints only if a posting has been posted on the folio by another property. If all postings have been posted by the residing property, the second tax breakdown section does not display on the Guest Folio.


A single Vendor Interface can be used for multi-properties. The functionality and availability depends on the external third-party software and compatibility. A maximum of 9 properties can share one Interface. The license code for MHT3 is not required for the functionality with IFC8. The Interface Configuration must be identical across the properties sharing the Interface.