
Configuration - Rate Category (cf_ratecategory with General 1 FMX)

The Configuration Report Rate Categories will display all Rate Categories that have been configured. If the license code for multi property functionality is activated (OPP_MHOT), this report will represent all codes on the template form.

Note: When the OPR <version number> ORS license code is active, the Select Property screen appears prior to the Report Parameters screen.  Choose the property you want to view and select the OK button.  The Report Parameters screen appears.

In PMS, Rate Categories are configured in Configuration>Rate Management>Rate Categories. In ORS, Rate Categories are configured in Setup>Configuration>Rate Management>Rate Classifications>Rate Category.

Date Range

From Date/To Date. This report identifies rate categories (and associated rate codes) that are valid at least one day within a particular date range. Enter a From Date and a To Date to define the date range. The default From Date is the current business date and the default To Date is blank (null), meaning that any rate category that is valid today or any date in the future will be listed on the report.


Rate Category. Select the down arrow to choose rate categories to be covered by the report. Only rate categories that are valid at some point within the date range identified in the From Date and To Date range are available for selection. When the From Date and To Date are blank, all rate categories are displayed in the LOV.

Note: For each selected rate category, the report shows only those rate codes that are active at some point within the date range identified by the From Date and To Date.

Report Output