
Account Options

Select the Options button from the Account Search screen or from the Company Profile - Account screen to access the Account Profile Options menu. The Account Options menu provides access to additional functionality associated with the account from which the menu is accessed. (Which buttons are available to you depends on the features configured for your property and your user permissions.)

Attachment. Select this button to go to the Attachments screen. The Attachments screen allows you to select and create files that can be used for data extract mail-merges or for other purposes. (Available when the Profiles > File Attachment application function is set to Y.)

Changes. Select this button to go to the User Activity Log which shows changes made to the account profile.

Credit Cards. Select this button to go to the Credit Cards screen. The Credit Card screen allows you to add, edit, and delete credit card information associated with the profile. (Available when the Profiles > Profile Credit Card application function is set to Y.)

Delete. Select this button to delete the account. You cannot delete an account that has active reservations associated with it.

Extract. Select this button to perform a data extract from the OPERA database. Use the results to create mail merges, reports, mailing labels, etc.

Future. Select this button to go to the Future Reservations screen. The Future Reservation screen shows upcoming reservations for the account. (Available when the Profiles > Future application function is set to Y.)

History. Select this button to see the Stay History, Revenue History, or Comp Revenue history for the account. (Available when the Profiles > History application function is set to Y.)

Merge. Select this button to search for and merge duplicate profiles to keep the OPERA database trim.

Neg. Rates. Select this button to create and edit negotiated rates for the account.

Notes. Select this button to review, modify, or add notes to the account profile.

Overview. Select this button to access the Revenue Overview screen, a concise picture of business originating from the selected account for any period of interest. (Available when the Profiles > Account Overview application function is set to Y.)

Potential. (Available when the General > Potentials application function is set to Y.) Available in S&C and SFA, this button takes you to the Potential Search screen. If there are no Potentials for the account, you are directed to the Potential screen where you can create a new potential for the account. (The Potential button is not available for Source Profiles.)

Preferences. Select this button to go to the Preferences screen where you can associate preferences (such as favorite room type, desired room features and floor location, choice of wine and newspaper, etc.) with the current profile.

Relationship. Select this button to set up and edit relationships for this account. Relationships define the associations between and among individuals, companies, travel agents, groups, sources, and other entities in OPERA.

Print. Select this button to go to the Reports screen.

Subscription. Select this button to set up and modify OCIS subscriptions.  Information synchronization takes place automatically when the profile has an active subscription with the OCIS database.

Yield. The profile yield adjustment feature is available only with the activation of a yield license (OPP OPUS, OPP IDEA, OPP OPTM, OPP HIRO). Yield adjustment codes can be attached to individual, company, travel agent, and source profiles in order to "fine tune" the application of hurdle rates to rate queries for the profile.

See Also