
Account Addresses

The Account Addresses screen lets you add, edit, and delete addresses for an Account. You can reach this screen by selecting the down arrow next to the Account's Address on the Account screen. The Account Name appears near the top of the screen.

Address. Searches within the Address columns.

City. Searches within the City column.

Postal Code. Searches within the Postal Code column.

X. An X in this column indicates that this address has been selected as the Primary address.

Type. Address Type. You can have several kinds of addresses for an account (e.g., Business address, Billing address, Courier Delivery address). You can select one of these addresses to be the Primary address.

Note: The Primary address displays on the Account screen and is used as the default address for Contacts created for this account.

Address.  Address information for the Address Type. Four lines are provided.

City. The city for this address.

Postal Code. The Postal Code (Zip Code) for this address.

Extension. Enter a Zip Code extension, if it applies.

Country. The country for this address.

State. The state for this address.

Show Primary Only. Check this box to hide all addresses other than the address designated as the Primary address. Uncheck this box to display all addresses.

Select. Click this button after highlighting an address to make it the default folio address. This button is available when the PROFILES > DEFAULT FOLIO ADDRESS application parameter is active and when the Profile Addresses screen is accessed via Profile > More fields tab > select the Default Folio Address drop-down list > Profile Search screen > select any profile > OK. This button toggles with Unselect. The address cannot be edited except for the association of the Elements, and it cannot be marked as Primary or deleted. The address type is the same as the one from the original profile it was selected from and there can only be one default folio address for an individual profile.

See Also