
About ORS/OCIS Campaign Management

ORS/OCIS Campaign Management provides an integrated array of features to help manage promotional campaigns. With this feature you can coordinate production and distribution of materials like mail merge documents, coupons, brochures, and HTML email messages and newsletters. You can also manage production of export files for distribution lists for dissemination through an advertising agency or fulfillment house.

Note: Campaign Management is different from Requests functionality, although some of the setup and processing procedures are similar. Requests typically involve responding to a single profile that requested information. Campaign Management in ORS/OCIS is typically information sent for promotional purposes to a designated group of guest profiles.


In an earlier OPERA version, ORS (OPERA Reservation System) and OCIS (OPERA Customer Information Systems) did not have the functionality to send massive communications to its guest profiles. In V3.0.2, Campaign Management functionality that existed in SFA (Sales Force Administration) was made available in ORS/OCIS with the limitations of only applying to guest profiles. In OPERA V4.0+, Campaign Management for guest profiles is available for ORS/OCIS with an add-on license.

ORS/OCIS Requirements

The following requirements apply to ORS/OCIS Campaign Management in OPERA V4.0+:

Differences between SFA and ORS/OCIS Campaign Management

Differences between S&C/PMS and ORS/OCIS Campaign Management

In addition to the above restrictions for ORS/OCIS Campaign Management functionality, the following restrictions also apply to Centrally Managed Campaign Management.

Workflow Overview


After the add-on license for Campaign Management is installed, activate the Campaign Management feature in ORS/OCIS by enabling the campaign management application setting to Y. Select Application Settings > ORS (Global) > Activity > Campaign Management Functions.

Plan Your Campaign

Campaign Configuration

Create Campaign Status Codes

(Configuration > Setup > Campaigns > Campaign Status Codes). Configure the campaign status codes that will be used to identify each campaign's status throughout the campaign's lifecycle such as New, In Process, and Complete.  

Create Data Extraction Criteria

Access the Data Extraction function (Miscellaneous > Data Extraction > Data Extraction Query). Set up or select existing criteria used to extract information from the OPERA database for customized mailings and mail-merge documents. You can determine the guest profile information you want queried, such as adults, having a stay record within a certain time period, or generating a specified amount of revenue. The process of creating data extraction criteria is explained in the OPERA online help topic Data Extraction.

Create a Document Template

Set up the document template used to convey the campaign information, write the information, and specify the delivery method (Configuration > Setup > Document Templates).

The user prepares communication templates for creating the campaign literature (such as brochures, event fliers, and seasonal rates) to guests, along with setting up the delivery method for the template, such as mail merge, HTML email messages, and export files. The campaign information is written and saved in a Word document or HTML file that is associated with the document template.

Create a Campaign Type

Set up a campaign type and associate document templates to it (Configuration > Setup > Campaigns > Campaign Setup). Name the campaign type as a campaign type template. During campaign management, campaign type templates are selected and other parameters added for processing.

Campaign Management