OPERA Complimentary Accounting
The Comp Accounting license (OPP_GCA) provides a set of features and enhancements that customize OPERA functionality for comp accounting. OPERA Comp Accounting functionality is integrated into the standard OPERA modules, including Configuration, Reservations, Profiles, Memberships, Cashiering, and AR.
Comp Transaction Codes - Comp transaction codes are used "behind the scenes" to handle charges that are comped by authorizers. Standard transaction codes can have a one- to-one or a many-to-one relationship with comp transaction codes. In other words, a comp transaction code can equate to a single standard transaction code, or it can represent an aggregate of many standard transaction codes.
When a transaction linked to a specific comp transaction code is routed to a comp window, the original posting (and any associated generates) is automatically reversed and re- posted to the comp transaction code. Users who are designated as authorizers are assigned privileges to comp specific transaction codes that are included in comp transaction codes. Comp transaction codes allow revenues associated with comped transactions to be reported in ways that are useful for the property. You will be able to specify the individual transaction codes that will be lumped together under each comp transaction code.
Authorizers - Authorizers are users who are allowed to route and transfer comp transactions to comp windows, and set up comp routing for comp requests from other staff members. You specify the transaction codes and routing codes that the authorizer can comp, and the per-day ceiling value (or "credit limit") for each transaction code or routing code.
Comp Revenue Buckets - Assign comp transaction codes to comp revenue buckets. Comp revenue buckets are, in turn, assigned to comp revenue bucket types. The Billing comp revenue bucket type is provided to distinguish transactions that are comped from those that are charged to the guest as displayed on the Billing Summary screen.
Comp Routing Codes - Group certain transaction codes together into meaningful groups in order to simplify the process of setting up routing instructions, available via Cashiering, Reservations, Front Desk, and Comp Accounting. These routing codes can be used in place of individual transaction codes in the reservation routing option. The routing code approach is often more efficient and less time consuming than choosing separate transaction codes.
This section contains the following concepts and procedures related to OPERA Complimentary Accounting: