
GDS Tax/Fee Types

The GDS Tax/Fee Types screen, available when the OPG_TPR OPERA GDS Total Pricing license code is active, allows travel agents to specify new pricing qualifiers, such as tax and service charges, to provide a more detailed breakdown of the various charges that apply to the rates that are returned from OPERA.

Important: While the OPG_TPR allows users to configure the total pricing functionality, no information will be transmitted to the GDS unless the GDS Total Pricing OEDS Group application parameter is set to "Y".

This allows OPERA to communicate which search qualifiers are applied to the rates returned in an availability request, and allows OPERA to specify a "total room/rate price," inclusive of all known taxes, fees, service charges, and any additional charges deemed valuable by the resort.

Note: All GDSs have defined various levels of support for total pricing.

To access the GDS Tax/Fee Type screen, select Setup>Configuration>Channels>GDS Tax/Fee Types.

From the GDS Tax/Fee Types screen, users can create, edit, or delete tax/fee type configurations, and copy configurations to a single or to multiple properties.


X. Select the tax/fee type configuration to work with.

Property. The property.

Trx Code. The transaction code.

Trx. Code Description. The transaction code description.

Tax/Fee Type. The tax or fee type code.

Charge Type. The charge type. Either "T" for tax or "S" for service fee.

Tax/Fee Type Description. A description of the tax or fee.

Configuring New GDS Tax/Fee Types

Select the New button to configure new GDS tax/fee types. The GDS Tax/Fee Type - New screen appears.

Tax. Select to indicate this is a tax.

Service Fee. Select to indicate this is a service fee.

Copying Tax/Fee Type Configurations

Select transaction codes from the grid (by marking them with an X) and select the Copy button to copy tax/fee types to a single or to multiple properties. The Properties screen appears. Enter a property code in the Property field or a property description in the Description field, and select the Search button to narrow the results displayed on the screen. Then, select the properties to copy the transaction codes to and select the OK button.

See Also